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Support Us


We are currently supporting the Lift Appeal and Book Shop. If you would like to support our parish, please see direct debit details below.


Account Details:

Toowong Anglican Parish Overdraft Account

BSB: 704 901

Account: No. 0000 4710

Reference: Provide a description





Parish Direct

ParishDirect allows you to make regular confidential contributions to your parish community through a convenient and secure electronic funds transfer (EFT) system from your financial institution account – you decide how much and how often.


Bank Account Details:

Toowong Anglican Parish Overdraft Account

BSB: 704 901

Account: No. 0000 4710

Reference: Donation


“What does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness and to walk humbly with your God.”

(Micah 6:8)

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